Tuesday, November 09, 2010

A friends Chart

03/24/1985 03:28
Julian day 2446148.98Adjust 8.00 ST 15.47
Lat 32.43 Long 117.09Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0Sun Aries 3.47 Ascendant Aquarius 12.59 *Sun in house II Moon Taurus 6.03 II Pisces 25.39 *Moon in house III Mercury Aries 18.39 R III Taurus 1.28* Mercury in house II Venus Aries 19.58 R IV Taurus 28.58 * Venus in house II Mars Taurus 6.43 V Gemini 22.10 * Mars in house III Jupiter Aquarius 9.38 VI Cancer 15.14 * Jupiter in house XII Saturn Scorpio 27.53 R VII Leo 12.59 *Saturn in house IX Uranus Sagittarius 17.59 R VIII Virgo 25.39 *Uranus in Midheaven Neptune Capricorn 3.36 IX Scorpio 1.28 *Neptune in house XI Pluto Scorpio 4.09 R Midheaven Scorpio 28.58 *Pluto in house IX Lilith Aries 22.13 XI Sagittarius 22.10 *Lilith in II Asc node Taurus 19.17 XII Capricorn 15.14 *Asc node in III**************************************************************************************************
Natal Interpretation
House 1- House of Self
No aspects

House 2- House of Acquisitions
The Sun
A strong, passionate voice here insures that when it comes to the things you want in life, your voice is heard loud and clear and the more you speak positively it, the more likely it is to happen.
With Aries influencing all planets here, strong willed couldnt begin to describe you! The Sun's masculine energies and Venus's influence provide a firm but loving tone to speak your truth.
Venus rules attractions of all sorts, and Mercury communication, giving the things you talk about magnetism , and a way to be drawn into your life.
Communication is often the first step when you set your goals, giving you accountability to make it happen, and key in getting what you want and need out of your connections in life.
Pallas Athene in this house gives you the ability to put in your surrounding the things that will make your house a testimony to your journey, a reminder of your purpose futher balancing the Suns masculine energy, guiding you with nurturing wisdom as you strive for success.

House 3 - Communication
The moon
With the Moon and Mars is Taurus, you are provided with yet another position of balance between masculine and feminine expression, and a grounded strenght to your nature on your path to speaking your truth and achieving your goals. and the placement creates a balanced relationship with your second house, ensuring drive on your path to success, and commitment to being honest.

* House - Heart and Home
Ceres and Chrion
Ceres or The Great Mother and The Wounded healer in this house give you the ability to fullfil your role as a Mother and provide a sanctuary to recovery from the harsh lessons learned on your journey.

*Houses 5- 7
No aspects

*House 8 - Sex
Here The Goddess of marriage suggest that you could be in the frame of mind when it comes you your chosen partner, but truth and honest are not to be forgotton, as your relationships have potential to be lifelong and truly meaningful.

Now heres where it gets interesting

*House 9 - Philosophy
Pluto and Saturn here are very influential, and together usual represent a lesson in loss. Saturn the Harsh Teacher and Pluto The Destroyer represent an area of life where you will learn your TOUGHEST lesson, and transform your life.
In the house of philosophy, this could point to a chance to free your self from old schools of thought that no longer benefit your life, less you forgo the lesson and refuse to experience growth in life. this combination is significant in that it could be an indication as to where you will reach a cross roads in life leading to major life altering choices, and Scorpio's dual nature between fire and water suggest the cross roads will point to your will and emotions being at odds until the changes are made.

*House 10 - Status
SagitariusUranus in Sagitarius here gives you the chance to stand apart from the flock to fully follow your own dreams. Uranus represents independence and insight, giving you the ability to tap into original thoughts. By folllowing your own insight, your own truth, Uranus in the charts is also an area of great change, deconstructing old concepts to let a new understanding of your goals take place.

House 11 - Friendships
Neptune here suggest that your relationships can often take kn escapist tendencies, as Neptune is the planet of dreams, fantasy and vices ( addictions)
Your intuitive, emotional nature will give your relationships special connection, as you embark on a whimsical journey to find ways of dealing with the day yo day. Grounded in Capricorn, you can trust your journey to be adventurous instead of addictive!

House 12 - The Unknown
Planets: Jupiter
Jupiter here represents hidden strenght but in a big way. Jupiter's expansive nature can bring about a way to bolster the best parts of your hidden talents, as you journey thry life, residing in place untapped untill needed. If you stangnate, Jupiter's presence could represent a fear of your own strenght.

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